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목록2025/02/09 (3)
Jamie’s Wonder House

Cairo's Citadel and Muhammad Ali Mosque : From Military Fortress to Islamic Architecture Masterpiece Cairo's Citadel and Muhammad Ali Mosque are culturally significant locations in Egyptian history. The Citadel was originally built as a military fortress, and the Muhammad Ali Mosque was eventually built inside it, linking the two structures together. Let's explore their past and importance. The..

Egyptian Crops and Food : A Delicious History Shaped by the NileEgypt is often called the "Gift of the Nile" because its civilization and agriculture depend on the great river. What did ancient pyramid builders eat? What do modern Egyptians have for breakfast? From wheat and barley incorporated into delicious meals , Egyptian food has a long and rich history. Let’s venture into how Egyptian agri..

Cleopatra and the Ptolemaic Dynasty: The Last Story of New Kingdom EgyptIn 332 BCE, Alexander the Great overthrown Egypt and founded Alexandria, marking a new chapter in Egyptian history. However, after his sudden death, his empire was divided among his generals, and Egypt fell under the control of Ptolemy I Soter, one of Alexander’s trusted commanders. This was the beginning of the Ptolemaic Dy..